EES Program Curriculum
Discover below the EES Program Curriculum
MSc EES-M1 level offers an adaptation semester, fol-lowed by a learning to strengthen the background in electrical engineering fields:
- Electrical Machines, Structures and Modelling
- Design of Power Converters
- Automatics, Real time control, Signal Processing and Optimization
- Simulations and experimental verification
- Human and Social Skills
MSc EES-M2 level includes innovative courses and ad-vanced-level short projects around energy conversion.
Third semester (M2)
- Design and Control of Static Converters
- Design and Control of Actuators
- Mechatronics, Design by System Optimization
- Stationary and Embedded Systems, Power Grids and Smart Grids
- Actuators and Generators
- Systemic Design and Eco-design
- Hybrid Systems, Smart Grids and Electrochemical Storage
- Renewable Energies
Fourth semester (M2)
- Long Project (6 weeks)
- Diploma Internship (6 months in R&D industrial centers or in a public research laboratory
EES - First year
Semester 1 : Adaptation Semester (30 ECTS CREDITS) Learning in main fields such as Electrical Machines, Structures and Modelling Design and Synthesis of Power Converters Automatics, Real Time Control...
EES - Second year
Semester 3 : Optional programs (30 ECTS CREDITS)Optional program: Advanced Power Electronics (APE) System Control and Diagnosis System Optimization Control and Observation of Actuators Power Converter...