Upon arrival
NEW !!! WELCOME DESK - 41 allées Jules Guesde - Toulouse - Contact (laccueil @ univ-toulouse.fr)
The Welcome Desk team will help you and will give you many advice on important matters, such as :
- Prefecture (visa and residence permit) - CAF (housing benefits) - CROUS (Halls of Residence) - Accommodation and Guarantor (VISALE) - Tisseo (Toulouse metropolitan transport system)
Means of Transport
TISSEO transportation network
The closest bus or metro station to Enseeiht is "François Verdier" or "Place Dupuy"
"Carte Pastel": For the students less than 26 years old - unlimited transport for bus and metro (15€ per month)
This "carte" can be bought at the airport, at TISSEO shops, at the metro station Jean Jaurès
- an Airport Shuttle connects the airport to the downtown or the railway station by making several stops in the city centre (journey time: 20 to 45 minutes depending on traffic conditions) http://www.tisseo.fr/se-deplacer/navettes-thematiques
- the evening network and night service Noctambus ( https://www.tisseo.fr/se-deplacer/bien-voyager/en-soiree ) serve the main University residences on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights between 1 am and 5 am.
Other way of transportation - "VélÔ Toulouse"
This bike sharing system is open 24/7.
Activate your long-term subscription on your Pastel card or student card and get some reduction or use the one delivered by Vélô Toulouse.
For more information follow: VélÔ Toulouse
Opening a bank account is mandatory to make payments or to receive the CAF benefits.
Documents to be provided:
- An identity document (passport, visa, residency permit, etc.)
- A proof of address (telephone or electricity bill, rent receipt, booking certificate for your accommodation, etc.)
- A student card or certificate of school attendance.
Some examples of French Banks: LCL, Société Générale, BNP Paribas, ...
Pay attention to the delay to get your bank card and your cheque book, it could be around 10 days.
The one who don't have a bank card when they will arrive to Toulouse, would need to pay only by cash (be careful : 500 Euros bank notes are not accepted in France).
Some general examples of payments to be made upon your arrival, depending on your situation:
- the enrollment fees for the one who are attending the Summer School
- the first rent and the deposit for the accommodation (by cash, or bank card or check) upon your registration at the Secrétariat of the Hall of Residence
- the registration fees at Enseeiht
- your meals and first purchases
- ...
Insurances (housing insurance, public liability insurance)
Accommodation :
Housing insurance certificate (attestation d'Assurance Multirisques Habitation)
This certificate is compulsory in the Halls of Residence in order to cover:
- water damages, theft and fire.
Such an insurance could be bought from websites such as L'EQUITE/AGH, MAE or from an insurance agency or when opening your bank account.
Public liability insurance certificate (attestation de Responsabilité Civile)
Responsabilité Civile (public liability insurance) is included in the housing insurance policy. It must be written on the corresponding certificate.
Health - Sécurité Sociale - Mutuelles -
The “Assurance maladie” also called “Securité Sociale”.
- This mandatory insurance covers 70% of the medical expenses. European citizens coming from an EEE state and owner of a European health insurance card are exempted from subscribing it. More information on the Assurance Maladie website: https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/
- An additional insurance, which is not mandatory but strongly recommended, is proposed by a lot of "mutuelles complémentaires". It allows to complete to a 100%.
There are two specific providers of students health insurance: LMDE and VITTAVI. Both of them also provide a “mutuelle complémentaire”.
From this year, to benefit from the mandatory health insurance, ONE interlocutor: the CPAM* (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie). The inscription is free!
The Health insurance reform for new international students
Watch out, from the start of school year 2018, all the international students arriving in France will have to join by them self to the compulsory Social Security* (CPAM*). This application has to be made necessarily once on the French territory and after your administrative inscription at your school or university. You will be covered only from the day of your administrative inscription and it retroactively.
Students outside UE
Inscription only online :
1) connect on the website : etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/
this website should be available by the 1st of September, 2018
2) Fill your personal informations: Name, surname, birthdate, bithplace, email, postal adresse in France, phone number
3) Upload your documents :
- Passeport and visa or residence permit
- Birth certificate with affiliation
- Proof of inscription at school for the current year
- RIB ou IBAN ( french bank account number)
4) Download your temporary attestation of affiliation meanwhile they deal with your documents.
5) Upload the missing documents if asked and then download the definitive attestation
6) Once your affiliation done and to receive the refund medical claim quickly you need to :
- Create an account on www.ameli.fr
- Order your « carte vitale »
- declare your referring doctor
Student from UE/EEE/Suisse/Monégasque
You stay covered by the social security in your country through the health insurance european card previously asked at your country health organism.
You could also register you online(this website should be available by the 1st of September, 2018) : www.etudiants-etrangers.ameli.fr
It is not compulsory but deeply recommended in order tobe reimbursed more quickly by the French Social Security.
Special case
Students from Quebec and Andorre have special agreements. Check on the website www.ameli.fr : https://www.ameli.fr/assure/droits-demarches/europe-international/protection-sociale-france/vous-venez-etudier-en-france
For all complementary questions you can have a look on the website www.ameli.fr ou go directly to the CPAM (for Toulouse : 3 Boulevard du Professeur Léopold Escande).
Aditional health insurance called « complémentaire santé » or « mutuelle »)
Be careful the health insurance refund the expenses of health at the level of 70 %. To be fully paid off, it is necessary to pay an additional insurance called "supplemental health insurance" or "Mutual Insurance Company". It is not compulsory but deeply recommended. It is proposed by diverse "mutual supplemental health insurances» and « insurance organism”.
The Occitania regional council brings a help to the students wishing to take a complementary health insurance.
More informations on: https://www.laregion.fr/Pass-Mutuelle-Etudiant-e
The Health insurance reform for international students already studying in France
Only those already studying in France and so affiliate to the Student Social Securities LMDE and VITTAVI (or other according to the academic perimeter) remain attached to this Social Security during the academic year 2018-2019 But you will not have to pay the annual 217-euro contribution.
At the start of the school year on 2019 those who still affiliated to LMDE or VITTAVI will automatically be change over the CPAM without initiative from them.
Both year you will have to verify with your student Social Security LMDE or VITTAVI that your address and phone number and information are exact (RIB, mailing address and declaration of the regular doctor) and to update your social-security card in pharmacies or CPAM machine.
- If the stay in France is of maximum 3 months the students need only a private insurance and not the French social security.
The SIMPPS (Service Interuniversitaire de Médecine) offers some free services and assists the students during the academic year for:
- Questions about health, emergencies (contact the nursing office !)
- Health concerns (make an appointment with a doctor) even if specifics (you can make an appointment with a dermatologist, a gynecologist, a tobacco specialist, a nutrition specialist)
- Problems of discomfort, depression ... (ask for an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist)
- Social questions, administrative procedures (ask for an appointment with the social worker, Madame Catherine Capdevielle)
- The introduction of special measures necessitated by a disability, whether temporary or permanent (make an appointment with a doctor).
SIMPPS, Service Médical et Social Etudiant, is located in the premises of Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (courtyard of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, behind the "cafeteria", at the groundfloor - 2 ter rue des Puits Creusés).
It is open from 8h30 to 17h, Monday to Friday.
Secrétariat : - Accueil Infirmier : (ou 49).
Mme Catherine CAPDEVIELLE (catherine.capdevielle @ univ-tlse3.fr) service social - Tel : 05 61 63 37 25
OFII Sticker - Préfecture
The Prefecture provides a welcome service for international students at the Welcome Desk. Students will receive their residence permit here. To obtain the application form, each concerned student must make an appointment on the Prefecture website and upload the file appropriated to their personal situation (1st application or renewal).
Contact (etudiants @ haute-garonne.pref.gouv.fr)
Long stay visa be worthing as a resident permit
Upon arrival in France, you must get your “long stay visa be worthing as a resident permit” (VLS-TS) validated online.
You must get it in the 3 months of your arrival.
The instructions and the steps are all explained at the French consulate.
CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) allows you to get housing allowances.
These allowances are called APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement) and ALS (Allocation de Logement Social).
Be careful:
- The first month of the rent is not taken into account by the CAF.
- You have to wait 2 to 3 months before the payment begins.
- Allowances could be either directly paid to the landlord (CROUS) or to you
- You must provide a RIB to the CAF.
- The Non-European students must provide the OFII sticker (or the acknowledgement of receipt by OFII of the filled-in request)
- The rent receipts are now available on line on "CitéU" icon of the platform "MesServices.etudiant.gouv.fr"
You can make the application online: http://www.caf.fr/
Don't forget that you can come to the Welcome Desk, where CAF officers will assist you in estimating your possible allocations and help you with your application