Before arrival

An easier arrival: information and support for all the necessary steps... See all available packages, from the free Welcome Pack (Find all the information you need, to prepare your arrival and stay) to the All In Pack (From bank account opening till the long term accommodation booking)
For citizens who do not come from the European Economic Area (EEA), a visa is required.
How to apply for a visa to come to France ?
To apply for a visa to come to France, you must contact the French consulate of your country of origin. Some consulates put online visa application forms. Once the form is completed, it must gather all the required supporting documents and file all at the consulate.
The response times can vary. Refer to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information:
Campus France Process
The procedure you will have to follow to enter a French institution will depend on your nationality, the country in which you have been living, and your educational plans.
The concerned students with Campus France Process have also to apply to the French Institution in which they are interested entering.
International Office
Upon their arrival, the foreign students are welcomed by the International Office team (opening hours 9:00-12h30/ 13h30-17h00). It will guide them in their very first steps of their arrival, and all along their stay for any question or difficulty.
Incoming Students: Office F114 - Building F, first floor
Head of International Office: F115 - Building F, first floor
A special afternoon will be also dedicated to all of them.
Welcome Team (WELCOME 7)
In order to ease the integration of the exchange students, a team will help them to better understand the School rules and its campus life. They will answer all the requests concerning the difficulties during the classes, and will organize many international events. They will contact the students in June.
Here is the website to find out information about the "Restaurants Universitaires of CROUS" opened :
- Prices
- CROUS during holidays
- Izly Card to pay your meals
The ENSEEIHT got its own "Restaurant Universitaire" on the spot, for the lunch time.
Internet Access Code
Your registration at ENSEEIHT will allow you to get your personal Internet Access Code. On the day after your registration you will be able to ask for it by our IT department.
The Summer School is dedicated to the engineer foreign students who come to study in Toulouse and want to improve their level in french as a foreign language (FLE).
B1 is the minimum level required to attend courses at ENSEEIHT, since all the courses are taught in French (except MoST).
The contents of the flyer will be updated by mid of May.
The interested in and registered students will be contacted in June by the team of the TOUL'BOX, which will take on you by your arrival at Toulouse-Blagnac airport or Toulouse-Matabiau railway station. This team will also guide you for the first and necessary administrative steps, as described in this page.
Accommodation - CROUS and others possibilities
CROUS Halls of residence are dedicated to the students. A limited quota of rooms is proposed by Toulouse CROUS services to the Universities and Schools' International Offices, for the incoming students as exchange students. If they are interested in, the concerned students will receive the corresponding admittance notices, which will precise the location, the amount of the rent and of the deposit. The booking stays valid 7 days from the 1st day mentioned on the notices as being the beginning.
The students will be asked a mandatory booking deposit of 100 Euros to be payed by end of August, as a confirmation of their decision to come (cf the terms of payment on the Annexe 2 of your admittance notice). For any difficulty the students could meet, they have to send an email to : (international @ crous-toulouse.f)
When the students will arrive at the secrétariat of the Hall of Residence, they must :
- Provide the documents such as precised on the notices *the admittance notice *2 ID photos *guarantor " proof of rental insurance and proof of liability insurance" or Visale
Download Visale notice
Download Visale Novelty info
- Pay the first rent (see Conditions Financières on the Annexe 1 of the admittance notice) plus a deposit of about the value of a monthly rent : either by cash, or with a french bank check, or with a bank card. 500 € bank notes are not accepted.
- Bring back the CROUS rules and regulations' form that they have received from CROUS, filled in and signed, to the "secrétariat" of the Hall of Residence
The students must avoid to arrive during the week end (secrétariat of the Hall of Residence is closed), as you must register at this secrétariat in order to get the keys of your rooms (opening hours are 8h30-12h30 and 13h30-16h, from Monday to Friday).
Note: sheets, covers, crockery, tableware, dishes... are not provided by the Hall of Residence. The bed is a single bed (size is 0.90m).
Others ways to find out an accommodation
Insurances (housing insurance, public liability insurance)
Accommodation :
Housing insurance certificate (attestation d'Assurance Multirisques Habitation)
This certificate is compulsory in the Halls of Residence in order to cover:
- water damages, theft and fire.
Such an insurance could be bought from websites such as L'EQUITE/AGH, MAE or from an insurance agency or when opening your bank account.
Public liability insurance certificate (attestation de Responsabilité Civile)
Responsabilité Civile (public liability insurance) is included in the housing insurance policy. It must be written on the corresponding certificate.