Sustainable Development TEDDn7 Project

Sustainable development and social responsibility is a key dimension in all our learning and teaching, research and campus life activities at Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT.
Our TEDD-N7 (Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility) project mobilises students, industrial partners and teachers in the aim to reach the Grenoble Agreement of the COP2, and to obtain the DD&RS (Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale or Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility) quality label for higher education establishments.
This whole-school dynamic has already generated a new 20-hour common core mandatory « Socio-Ecological Transitions » module proposed in semester 5 for all first-year students. In addition, students can deepen their knowledge and competencies of these notions by enrolling in a new 40-hour optional « Citizenship » module offered in semesters 6 and 8.
Take a look at the different dimensions of our TEDDn7 project via our website which showcases the wide, and on-going, extent of our sustainable development efforts.
The N7 focuses its objectives and strategy on the following fields:
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Mobility
- Equal Opportunity
- Disability
TEDD-N7 Environmental Transition and Sustainable Development
Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale
The N7 pledges to train 100% of its students to be keenly aware of key socio-ecological transition stakes and issues via a systemic approach. From semester 5 in 2021-2022, 20 hours of new systemic approach...
Campus Life
The N7 is located in the center of Toulouse. The school promotes sustainable mobility and is equipped with a vehicle pool of electric cars and bicycles for staff use. The former car park area has been...