Advanced Master's Degrees
The advanced master's degree is a vocational training course lasting at least two semesters, including courses in engineering and an internship in a company. ENSEEIHT master's students benefit from the expertise of teacher-researchers and the industrialists associated with the training courses.
Advanced Master's degree in Big Data Valorization
This Joint Advanced Master's degree is co-accredited by INP-ENSEEIHT and INSA Toulouse. It focuses on the processing and valorization of big data, privileging a multidisciplinary range in computer science...
Advanced Master's degree in Data Security
The Advanced Master’s degree in Data Security provides training in information systems security. Despite being taught at ENSEEIHT, this program is the result of a collaboration between ENSEEIHT, INSA...
Advanced Master's Degree in Eco-Engineering
The Master's degree in eco-engineering (MSEI) is an interdisciplinary course, co-accredited by the seven schools of Toulouse INP (INP-ENSAT, INP-ENSEEIHT, INP-ENSIACET, INP-ENIT, INP-ENVT, INP-EI PURPAN...
Advanced Master's degree in Embedded Systems
Toulouse has one of the greatest concentrations of Embedded Systems industries in Europe with major aerospace and equipment manufacturers working in the fields of aeronautics, space or the automobile...
Advanced Master's Degree in Hydraulics
This specialized training in hydraulics is intended for French or international graduates who have studied in specific areas such as mechanics, civil engineering, chemical engineering, agronomy, rural...
Advanced Master's Degree in New Energy Technologies
The Advanced Master's degree in New Energy Technologies provides in-depth training of the energy sector - a sector that accounts for 50% of the total environmental footprint of humanity and represents...
Advanced Master's degree in Satellite Communications Systems (SatCOM)
Accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles The master's program benefits from strong connections with aerospace and defence industries developed by ENSEEIHT and TELECOM SudParis. For fifty years...