Research at ENSEEIHT
Research at ENSEEIHT focuses on two major complementary areas in science: Energy and Communication. These areas correspond perfectly to the two major revolutions of today, namely the digital revolution and energy transition. These multiple research activities find their application in many industrial sectors, such as:
Les laboratoires de recherche
IMFT – Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics
The Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics (IMFT) is a Joint Research Unit placed under the shared authority of Toulouse INP (ENSEEIHT), the CNRS (Institute of Engineering Sciences and Systems) and Paul...
IRIT – Toulouse Research Institute in Computer Science
IRIT, Toulouse Institute for Research in Computer Science, one of the largest joint research units (UMR) in France, is one of the pillars of research in the Midi-Pyrénées region with its 600 members,...
LAAS - Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems
The Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) is a research unit of the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) attached to the Institute of Engineering Sciences and Systems...
Plasma Laboratory and Energy Conversion CNRS / INP-ENSEEIHT / UPS
Plasma Laboratory and Energy Conversion CNRS / INP-ENSEEIHT / UPSLAPLACE boasts the highest concentration of research in Electrical Engineering and Plasma in France, and is the only unit to cover the...