Master's degree in Electrical Energy, Conversion, Materials, and Sustainable Development

Master's degree in Electrical Energy, Conversion, Materials, and Sustainable Development
The Master’s degree in Electrical Energy, Conversion, Materials, and Sustainable Development offers a multidisciplinary course at the crossroads of knowledge and skills in power electronics, electrical engineering, applied physics and the modeling and control of systems. Energy is the common thread, taking into account the current requirements of sustainable development, economics and clean energy.
The goal is to train executives, engineers and electrical power specialists, in associated conversion systems and their uses.
This course is developed in partnership between Paul Sabatier University (UPS) and Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT.
There are three specializations:
- Power Electronics, Actuators and Control (EPAC)
- Sustainable Management of Electrical Energy (GD2E)
- Power and Materials Integration (IPM).
3 ans
Bac + 5
Contact (masterE2CMD @