Back-to-school with the climate « Rentrée Climat » at the N7
The N7, like numerous engineering schools in France, participates in the back-to-school with the climate « Rentrée Climat » project. This initiative, driven by our students and learners from the engineers for climate change « Ingénieur.e.s engagé.e.s » association, consists of proposing « Climate Fresk » workshops for all new students. This serious game, which develops both collaborative skills and scientific knowledge, consists of creating a fresk with 42 climate echange cause and consequence cards. During the 3-hour workship, a considerable amount of time is devoted to students discussing potential solutions to counter climate change, and the engineer’s role in energy transition. The Covid-19 sanitary constraints in 2020 lead the design and realisation of remote workshops via visio-conference (70 in September, and 29 in December). In 2021, the workshops were organised in-person during the last week of September.
These workshops are mostly hosted by our engineering students who have completed a Climate Fresk train-the-trainers session. Alumni are also welcome to participate in the workshops or to host workshops for our students.