Syllabus détaillé 




Course: 3rd year 3EA - Semester 9 (each teaching unit earns 5 ECTS credits - Except Eco-energy)

System Integration (InSYS)

Communicating Systems

Control Architectures and Computer Science for Embedded Systems

 Electrical Conversion  and energies networks

Electrodynamics and Advanced Mechatronics

Physique Numérique


Soft & Human Skills 5

Group work of 10 individuals as part of a Technical Project Assignment (BEI) focusing on industry-related topics to implement a technical project.

Analog RF systems

code : N9EE04

Applied physics and numerical methods

code : N9EE11

Control, Filtering, and Diagnosis of Systems

code : N9EE16

Power Systems and Networks

code : N9EE21

Physics for Mechatronics

code : N9EE26

Systemic Design

code : N9EE34

Numerical systems

code : N9EE05

High-frequency embedded systems

code : N9EE12

Optimization of Systems and their Control

code : N9EE17

Static Converters Design

code : N9EE22

Numerical Methods and Optimization

code : N9EE27

Smart Grids, Storage, and Hydrogen Vector

code : N9EE35

Mixed systems

code : N9EE06

HF circuits and electromagnetic compatibility

code : N9EE13

Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Discrete Systems

code : N9EE18

Advanced Converters and Systems (CSA)

code : N9EE23


Design of Electromechanical Systems

code ; N9EE28

High-Performance Computing Environment

code : N9EM03

Renewable Energies

code : N9EE36

Deepening (optional) analogue or digital

code : N9EE07

Radar and propagation

code : N9EE15


Advanced Control Systems

code : N9EE19

Actuators & Generators (AG)

code : N9EE24

Architectures of Mechatronic Systems

code : N9EE29

CEM and Applied Mathematics

code : N9EE32

General Education

code : N9EE37


Deepening (optional) managerment or RF

code : N9EE09

Elective: RF circuits or modeling 

code : N9EE14

Advanced Critical Computer Systems

code : N9EE20

Smart Grids and Microgrids (SGM)

code : N9EE25

Applied Mechatronics

code : N9EE30

Numerical Methods for Diffraction Problems

code : N9EE31



Semester 10 - End-of-Studies Internship (March to September)

Students carry out their end-of-studies internship in companies (potentially in laboratories), in France or abroad.


A large number of internship offers are sent to N7 by companies. Additionally, forums are organized to assist students in finding their internships.


The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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