Department of Fluid Mechanics, Energy & the Environment (MF2E)Evolution of "Department of Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics"
Main themes
Energy • Water • Environment • Hydraulic Processes • Climate • Geophysics • Numerical simulation • Turbulence • Aeronautics & Space
3rd year courses: :
- Water and Environmental Sciences
- Environmental engineering
- Energy
- Eco-Energy
- Fluid energetics and processes
- Modeling and simulation of the environment
- Modeling and numerical simulation
Other courses available in 3rd year (with the possibility of obtaining a dual diploma):
- École Nationale de la Météorologie (National Graduate School of Meteorology)
- IFP School
- A management school in partnership with ENSEEIHT: Sciences Po Paris, Toulouse Business School, Toulouse School of Management
- Full-time study abroad at one of the ENSEEIHT’s partnered institutions: Georgia Tech, Imperial College, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne...