Soft Skills Center

The N7 has not only redesigned and developed its training in Engineering Sciences, but also in Humanities and Social Sciences or « Soft and Human Skills (SHS) » with the launch of a new Soft Skills Center which focuses on the key competencies for ongoing professional development throughout the engineering career.

The main goal of Soft Skills Center training is to accompany students in their career development design by familiarizing them with key tools to enhance their employability and foster lifelong professional success within a multi-cultural, international context.

To attain this objective from the first year of studies, 50% of the Careers and Management SHS course is delivered in English by trainers from our professional network or from partner schools specialised in Management, Business or Economics, such as Toulouse School of Management, Toulouse Business School or Toulouse School of Economics.

Personal development, social and environmental responsibility, sustainable development, ethics, creativity, entrepreneurship, to name but a few, are key aspects of our soft skills academic programme which proposes a wide variety of pedagogical approaches, including small and large group work, role plays and on-the-job simulations, all conducted in close collaboration with scientific and technical courses.


The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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