Questions list:

  1. 🏫 What is Toulouse-INP ?
  2. 🏫 What is ENSEEIHT ?
  3. 🏫 What is INSA ?
  4. 🖋️ I already have a Master diploma from my home university, should I follow the first year of the MSc. ESECA ?
  5. 🖋️ How many time do I need to wait after sending my application email ?
  6. 🖋️ Are there requirements in terms of minimum level in English ? In French ?
  7. 🖋️ As an exchange student, can I apply to the MSc. ESECA? Should I pay specific fees? Shall I get the MSc. ESECA diploma ?
  8. 🖋️ Can I choose some modules from the MSc. ESECA and mix with other modules from INP-N7 catalog ?
  9. ✈️ Does Toulouse INP helps me to settle in Toulouse?
  10. ✈️ Does the Toulouse INP helps me to arrive in Toulouse?
  11. 💰 What is the cost of the Master ?
  12. 💰 Does the social security is included in the master ESECA registration fees ?
  13. 💰 Do the master ESECA provides a scholarship ?
  14. 💰 What is N+i ?
  15. 💰 How to be invited by N+I ?
  16. 💰 Can I benefit from the Eiffel scholarship ?
  17. 💰 Can I work during my Master ?
  18. 💼 Does the master ESECA provides me an internship?
  19. 📄 How can I make the registration to the master ESECA?
  20. 📄 How can I pay for the master ESECA tuition fees ?
  21. 📄 Can I pay in several time?
  22. 📄 I have a scholarship which supports my tuition fees, how can I pay ?
  23. 🔎 Can I do a PHD after the Master ESECA ?
  1. 1 - 🏫 What is Toulouse-INP ?

    Toulouse INP is a french university offering high quality education and training for students and engineers from around the world-based on a team of highly qualified lecturers and a unique teaching model. More information

    The Master ESECA diploma will be delivered by Toulouse-INP.

  2. 2 - 🏫 What is ENSEEIHT ?

    ENSEEIHT is a french engineering school which provide full-time engineering program, Masters , Masters of Science and advanced Master. Most of the Master ESECA classes will be held at ENSEEIHT. More information

  3. 3 - 🏫 What is INSA ?

    INSA is an engineering school with a national and international network. More information

  4. 4 - 🖋️ I already have a Master diploma from my home university, should I follow the first year of the MSc. ESECA ?

    No. If you justify of a M1 in Electronics and/or in Electrical engineering, the admission board will evaluate your situation in order to let you access in M2 directly.

  5. 5 - 🖋️ How many time do I need to wait after sending my application email ?

    Generally one or two days after sending your application email, you will received an email in order to inform you about the reception of your documents.  You will be informed about the status of your application by email around the 30th of January for the first session and around the 15 June for the second session.

    You have one week to confirm or not your candidature by email. If you do not respond, your candidature will be canceled.

  6. 6 - 🖋️ Are there requirements in terms of minimum level in English ? In French ?

    There is no specific requirement in French. However, a good understanding of oral & written English is mandatory to follow the courses and validate evaluations.

  7. 7 - 🖋️ As an exchange student, can I apply to the MSc. ESECA? Should I pay specific fees? Shall I get the MSc. ESECA diploma ?

    It is possible to follow modules of the ESECA Master of Science as an exchange student, at no specific cost, which will be validated as part of your signed learning agreement between INP (or INSA) and your home university. You will not get the MSc. ESECA diploma, you will just have a transcript of records in ECTS format.

  8. 8 - 🖋️ Can I choose some modules from the MSc. ESECA and mix with other modules from INP-N7 catalog ?

    You cannot mix modules chosen in our ECTS catalog and the modules of MSc. ESECA, as the agenda is incompatible. You must register & follow the whole program (M1 or M2).

  9. 9 - ✈️ Does Toulouse INP helps me to settle in Toulouse?

    Yes. Toulouse University proposes the Toul’Box and the Welcome desk (which is include in the Master ESECA registration fees), a complete set of tools for the students who are looking to easily settle in Toulouse

    More informations


    Moreover, you can also apply for our very useful French language summer school.


    In addition Toulouse-inp can help you to find a student room at CROUS but the room price is not included in the master ESECA registration cost. If you want a room please specify it in the application form. Be careful, due to the few number of room we can not guaranty a room for all master ESECA students.

  10. 10 - ✈️ Does the Toulouse INP helps me to arrive in Toulouse?

    No. But if you have choose to be member of the N+i networks, you will have access to a welcome package.  It means that you will be picked up at Paris airport, you will spend one day in Paris with a short visit, you will have immediately an insurance to face any problem, and the transfer to Toulouse will be organized with the other n+i students. This package is called by n+i the PIC and the price (around 850 euros ) in not include in the master ESECA registration fees.

  11. 11 - 💰 What is the cost of the Master ?

    The cost is 9,000 EUR/year for standard students. However, for students with an excellent level, or coming from associated universities, the fees are lowered to around 5,500 €/year. The lodging and food expenses are NOT included.

  12. 12 - 💰 Does the social security is included in the master ESECA registration fees ?

    Yes, you will have the status of Toulouse-INP student and thanks to this status you will benefit from the french social security as soon as you will finish your registration.

  13. 13 - 💰 Do the master ESECA provides a scholarship ?

    Yes, you can have a scholarship of 3527 euros/year (reduced tuition fees to 5473 euros/year) if you fulfill one these two conditions:

  14. 14 - 💰 What is N+i ?

    The n+i network is a group of top level French Engineering Institutions organizing a joint recruitment and welcome of foreign students.

      For you the two main advantages of the n+i welcome are the following:

    • as we are a member of this network we can propose you a scholarship of 3527€ /year for the academic fees. You will pay 5473 € /year in place of 9000 €.
    • the welcome is organized by n+i. It means that you will be picked up at the airport, you will spend one day in Paris with a short visit, you will have immediately an insurance to face any problem, and the transfer to Toulouse will be organized with the other n+i students. This welcome is very important as your level in french is low. This package is called by n+i the PIC.


     In counterpart you will have to pay a  registration  to n+i of 350 € (reduced registration, the normal registration being 1300 €). And the cost of the package of welcome described above is 500 €. In total you have to pay 850 € to n+i.

  15. 15 - 💰 How to be invited by N+I ?

    According the quality of your profile and your CGPA mark, the admission board will send a recommendation to N+i in order to invite you to be a N+i member.  The N+i cost is around 850 euros that need to add to the 5473 euros/year of the Master ESECA registration fees.

  16. 16 - 💰 Can I benefit from the Eiffel scholarship ?

    Yes, but it is extremely rare that the Master ESECA proposes a prospective student for an Eiffel scholarship. The profile of the student has to be outstanding with a CGPA above 3,8/4.

  17. 17 - 💰 Can I work during my Master ?

    Yes in theory you can do a part time job but we do not recommend that at all. Note that during the M2 6 months internship, the french law imposes to companies and research labs to pay a student (around 600 euros/months) when the duration of the internship is above 2 months.

  18. 18 - 💼 Does the master ESECA provides me an internship?

    No, but all teachers of the master are coming from companies and research labs, so do not hesitate to ask them for an internship. In addition ENSEEIHT organizes some internship forum with companies. So prepare your suit and your CV and go finding for an internship !

  19. 19 - 📄 How can I make the registration to the master ESECA?

    As soon as you have been accepted by the admission board of the master ESECA, the service of Toulouse INP  which in charge of students registration call (DFIVE) will send you a letter of eligibility with all the information that you need in order to pay tuition fees to Toulouse-INP.

    As soon as the payment have been done, a final letter of admission will be written. This letter will allow you to do your VISA for example

  20. 20 - 📄 How can I pay for the master ESECA tuition fees ?

    The money transfer can be done via the Western-Union web platform or directed to the bank account of Toulouse-INP.

  21. 21 - 📄 Can I pay in several time?

    Yes, but you have to make a first payment by sending to Toulouse-INP a deposit representing an amount of 75% to 90% of your final registration fees. Please note that additional costs associated with international bank transfer operations remain at your personal charge.

  22. 22 - 📄 I have a scholarship which supports my tuition fees, how can I pay ?

    If you have a scholarship which support your tuition fees, please give the certificate, this document must explain all the support

  23. 23 - 🔎 Can I do a PHD after the Master ESECA ?

    Yes, the Master of Science diploma is internationally recognized and will allow you to follow a PHD after the master. Many famous labs has already welcome ESECA student (LAAS, LAPLACE , CERN, CEA etc..)


The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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