Advanced Master's degree in Embedded Systems

Toulouse has one of the greatest concentrations of Embedded Systems industries in Europe with major aerospace and equipment manufacturers working in the fields of aeronautics, space or the automobile industry (Airbus, CNES, Astrium, Continental, Thalès, etc.). Embedded Systems encompass a broad range of systems and are actively involved in all domains, from transport systems (aeronautics, space, road, rail, and sea), to energy sectors (e.g. nuclear and chemical) and also to communication systems (e.g. mobile phones and PDAs).

The Advanced Master’s degree in Embedded Systems is a one-year professional course, designed by ENSEEIHT and ISAE-SUPAERO, with the support of the embedded systems industry. Mindful of the real need for a multidisciplinary approach, the program prepares students with in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the underlying technologies involved in embedded systems.


The program focuses on both theoretical and concrete aspects. It aims to:

  • develop skills, at system level design for the development of Embedded Systems, based on fundamentals of complementary subjects, such as electronics, computer science, energy conversion and management, automatic control, telecommunications and networks.
  • develop the system approach through integrated projects to master specific methods and tools applied to the following domains: aeronautics, space, automobile or multimedia.


The training for this Master’s degree is multidisciplinary. It covers all hardware, software and control issues of Embedded Systems within an integrated system based perspective.


For further information , click here.


  (info-masters @


The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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