Advanced Master's Degree in New Energy Technologies

The Advanced Master's degree in New Energy Technologies provides in-depth training of the energy sector - a sector that accounts for 50% of the total environmental footprint of humanity and represents a major challenge for sustainable development. The renewal of this sector simultaneously concerns the cluster of primary sources (fossil, nuclear power, and renewable energy), energy vectors (electricity and eco-fuels), treatment processes (CO2 sequestration, hydrogen production - energy) and end-use systems (electrochemical components, fuel cells, accumulators, wind and photovoltaic generators, hybrid systems, electronic processing of electrical energy), which constitute new energy technologies.
Jointly taught at two of Toulouse INP’s schools, ENSEEIHT and ENSIACET, and based on an original multidisciplinary program crossing electricity (including the electronic treatment of energy) and processes (treatment of matter), this advanced master’s degree trains students in systematic and eco-design methods, which allow the design of more efficient optimized energy systems while integrating new energy technologies.
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