Advanced Master's degree in Big Data ValorizationCo-accredited by ENSEEIHT and INSA Toulouse
This Joint Advanced Master's degree is co-accredited by INP-ENSEEIHT and INSA Toulouse. It focuses on the processing and valorization of big data, privileging a multidisciplinary range in computer science and data sciences and combining a scientific and operational approach through project-based learning and close involvement of partner companies.
It draws on the experience gained during the initial engineering training given in each of these two schools. It echoes the growing needs of graduates in this field.
It trains professionals with advanced skills in computer science, optimization and data science for the valorization of data deposits.
The training will cover technical and legal aspects, thus meeting the expectations of the following professions: data scientist, data engineer, data manager, data analyst, project manager, decision-making computer engineer, quality control manager.
The originality of the training is to address a broad spectrum of skills in computer science, data science and optimization.
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Bac + 6
Contact (msvaldom @