The Sulitest at Toulouse – INP ENSEEIHT
The N7 proposes the Sulitest to all first-year engineering students. This « Sustainability Literacy Test » is designed to assist higher education institutions in the structure and roll-out of their culture of sustainability. The objectives are three-fold :
- to introduce key concepts (circular economy, biodiversity, etc.) studied in sustainable development and social responsibility modules which are integral parts of the engineering training ;
- to measure knowledge and skills at the start of the course in order to adapt training, if necessary ;
- to study the progression of knowledge acquired over three years of study.
The Sulitest aligns with one of the 17 Sustainable Development Objectifs (SDGs) of the HESI framework.
Le Sulitest répond à l’un des 17 Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODDs) dans le cadre du HESI.
The Sulitest is the first step of the whole-school sustainable development TEDD-N7 project which is being co-constructed by students, teachers and industrial partners.